Glencoe Gives Preliminary Approval to Hoover Estate Project

The Glencoe Village Board of Trustees has given preliminary approval to a plan seeking to develop 12.2 acres into a residential subdivision that would include 29 homes and be known as Hoover Estate, located at 1801 Green Bay Road. Glencoe Developers LLC is now working on revising its proposal to incorporate more details about stormwater drainage that existing neighbors have voiced concerns over.

Included in this stipulation is the need for a permit from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District to build two basins on the property designed to channel water from land surrounding nearby homes to the Cook County Forest Preserves and eventually Lake Michigan. Resident Rick Rosin, asserted, "There are details to be worked out. If these are not gotten right, this will be a severe detriment to a lot more than just 29 homes. We are talking about all the homes in Terrace Court and Carol Lane basin." Larry DiVito, Glencoe Developers' Director of Development was more hopeful, however, stating, "Now we can get to work and solve all the problems that have been raised in a detailed way. We think we have a good plan and have solutions for everything they talked about."

Glencoe Developers' final blueprints will be reviewed once again by the Plan Commission and Village Board for approval before construction can begin, but many members are hopeful with Hall Healy, a former member of the village's Sustainability Task Force stating, "The Hoover Estate development offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..." To stay updated, visit