Ginger Cavalier
847.507.3348Professionalism and Experience you can Count On.
Ginger is an experienced real estate professional with a unique set of skills that has earned her accolades from her North Shore clients. With an artistic eye for interior design and staging “ honed by 25 years as a professional costume and set designer “ Ginger turns her clients™ homes and gardens into showcases that highlight their best features, increasing their appeal and value to potential buyers.
Ginger is also a born matchmaker, using her great listening and research skills
to match clients with the perfect property. As a 30-year resident of Evanston, she has extensive knowledge of the entire North Shore community, and thus is able to help her clients quickly identify the locations that best fit their requirements. Then, with her understanding of architecture and space planning, she helps clients assess the true potential of the homes they are considering so that they can make a highly informed purchase.
Her clients appreciate her tireless energy and entrepreneurial spirit, when searching, marketing or negotiating on their behalf. It's clear that Ginger loves her job, commented one of her clients recently, and I know we couldn™t have closed our deal so successfully without her.
Ginger holds a BFA from the Art Institute of Chicago. She is an avid gardener as well as a frustrated architect
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