Amy Parsons

Amy Parsons Photo

Meet Amy Parsons, an Associate Broker with nearly a decade of real estate experience and an unrivaled passion for the industry. Her journey through various sectors of the real estate world has molded her into a dynamic and versatile professional. 

With an extensive background - spanning from an administrative assistant for a local top producing team to managing an office of 85 real estate agents, Amy has mastered the art of navigating real estate transactions. Her diverse experience empowers her to provide insightful guidance to clients across a wide spectrum of needs. 

She prides herself on strategically developing a 95% referral based business that continues to grow year after year. Her focus to be transparent, attentive and accessible to her clients isn't great service, it's a requirement. 

Amy makes it a priority to be involved with the real estate industry and her local community. She served on the Executive Board for Women's Council of Realtors Birmingham/Bloomfield as President, President-Elect and First Vice President from 2019-2021 , and has been an active member since 2017. Her involvement in the local community is a reflection of her dedication and compassion for homeownership. 

Amy's educational background adds an extra layer of expertise to her already impressive skill set. Armed with a wealth of knowledge acquired through her business degree with a focus in Entrepreneurship and Real Estate Development, she combines academic prowess with practical know-how.

Whether you are meeting for the first time, in the middle of purchasing a home or call her 5 years later, Amy strives to be a resource for all things real estate. 

Want an easy conversation starter? Here are some suggested topics: Dogs, yoga, live music, water sports, italian food...and of course, real estate.

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