Penn Quarter photo

Penn Quarter

Experience the lively neighborhood of Penn Quarter, located in East End, Downtown Washington D.C. It's a bustling hub of entertainment, dining, culture, and commercial establishments, thanks to a successful revitalization. From theaters to museums, retail spaces, and restaurants, Penn Quarter offers a vibrant lifestyle for residents and visitors. With its commercial growth and bustling cultural scene, Penn Quarter has transformed into a dynamic urban community that's never dull.

Penn Quarter map

Open Houses in Penn Quarter

Here are 2 Open Houses out of 23 listings in Penn Quarter

Featured Penn Quarter Listings

Here are 12 out of 23 listings in Penn Quarter


Blue line at Metro Center

Green line at Gallery Pl-Chinatown

Orange line at Metro Center

Red line at Gallery Pl-Chinatown

Silver line at Metro Center

Yellow line at Gallery Pl-Chinatown
Average Sale Price
Average Days On The Market
Sales Prices VS. List Price
Data represents the community area's average over the past 12 months. All information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.

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