James Wippel

James Wippel Photo

A resident of Chicago's northside neighborhoods for over ten years including Andersonville, Lincoln Park and Old Town, Jim focuses on leasing and investment properties in the downtown and northside neighborhoods.

With a professional background in hospitality and property management, Jim understands dedicated service and relationships build success for both property owners and tenants. 

He graduated from Michigan State University focusing on economics, public policy, and urban development. Jim is a lifelong devoted Spartan basketball and football fan who is always willing to give the coaches and referees his two cents without being asked. 

Master studies includes completing two master's degrees in three years of full-time studies; two years in Stockholm, Sweden and one year in London, England. Jim is a Certified Property Manager (CPM) property management industry's  highest designation. This comprehensive education and professional designation gives him a full understanding of real estate investments both on individual assets and portfolios. 

When Jim is not advocating why Chicago is the best city in the world, you can find him at a park playing pick-up basketball, on the tennis courts at Waveland, running in Lincoln Park, or lifting weights at a local gym. 

  • Member, Chicago Association of REALTORS ®
  • Member, National Association of REALTORS ®

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