Lee Bailey

Lee Bailey Photo

I have comitted over ten years to serving buyers and seller in Indianapolis and the surrounding communities.

As a native of Indy I grew up in southern Indiana in the "country". I learned skills like corn detasling and bailing hay. By the time adulthood rolled around I had determined I might be a "city kid". This is when my love for our city began. With that said downtown was rough. Circle City Mall was still just a blueprint in a law office, Mass Ave was a few bars and a lot of empty buildings and the last place Elvis ever performed was still standing. I like to believe this is the beginning of what is today a world class city!

After many years of working, living and playing all over downtown- I fell in love with a gorgeous, in need of updating, home in the suburbs and have not been seen in some circles since. House love is real but I always have a story on the nightmares of remodeling. 

I worked in Hospitalty Management for many years until I decided to go into real estate. Best discission ever! I am good at it and love what I do! With the unpredictable being a part of so many transactions, I always get to be a hero at the end and who wouldnt love that!