James Keithley

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James Keithley is a Chicago native who values family and friendship above all else. The outstanding career he has established as a real estate agent is just one of many hats he wears. This newspaper journalist turned bar owner and, now, successful agent, has spent quite some time getting to know the nooks and crannies of the city and, more importantly, the people who call Chicago and the surrounding suburbs their home.   Taking the stress out of the process is his primary focus. With every client, he takes special care to allow them as much time and attention as they need, whether it's over the phone or in person. Together with a client James prides himself on finding a place they will call home and he knows just how important of a task that is.    After opening his bar in 2014, he started to attract a diverse group of patrons, many of whom happened to be agents. Friendly conversation sparked a passion within him, and he's never turned back; 2016 became the year where James would begin a brand new entrepreneurial adventure.   His ability to shut out the rest of the world to concentrate his efforts on acting in his clients best interest offers him the greatest reward any agent could ever ask for - referrals from people who loved working with him.    A graduate of Fordham University, James lives on the northwest side of Chicago with his wife and daughter and is also licensed as an agent in New York State.