American University Park

American University Park, or AU Park, is an upscale area near the Maryland border, known for its architecture and community spirit. Developed in the 1920s, it offers a mix of homes and community hubs like Turtle Park. Landmarks like American University's Law School add charm, and the area has become highly sought after, with home prices exceeding $1 million.

American University Park map

Open Houses in American University Park

Here are 6 Open Houses out of 13 listings in American University Park

Featured American University Park Listings

Here are 12 out of 13 listings in American University Park


Blue line at Rosslyn

Green line at Columbia Heights

Orange line at Rosslyn

Red line at Tenleytown-AU

Silver line at Rosslyn

Yellow line at Columbia Heights
Average Sale Price
Average Days On The Market
Sales Prices VS. List Price
Data represents the community area's average over the past 12 months. All information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.

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