Forest Hills/Van Ness photo

Forest Hills/Van Ness

Once a Civil War encampment, Forest Hills/Van Ness now flourishes as a prestigious residential district with a rich industrial heritage. Combining the serenity of green hills with modern, eclectic architecture, this desirable community offers a blend of rentals and owner-occupied homes. Filled with cultural and educational landmarks, like the Howard University School of Law and the opulent Hillwood Estate, Forest Hills provides a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere, preserving its prestigious legacy while embracing the new.

Forest Hills/Van Ness map

Open Houses in Forest Hills/Van Ness

Here are 2 Open Houses out of 21 listings in Forest Hills/Van Ness

Featured Forest Hills/Van Ness Listings

Here are 12 out of 21 listings in Forest Hills/Van Ness


Blue line at Foggy Bottom-GWU

Green line at Columbia Heights

Orange line at Foggy Bottom-GWU

Red line at Van Ness-UDC

Silver line at Foggy Bottom-GWU

Yellow line at Columbia Heights
Average Sale Price
Average Days On The Market
Sales Prices VS. List Price
Data represents the community area's average over the past 12 months. All information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.

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