
Rockville, Maryland, holds a special place in American history as one of the oldest towns in the state, dating back to the colonial era. Its rich history spans centuries, with a name that has evolved from Hungerford's Tavern to Williamsburgh, until officially becoming Rockville in 1801 due to its close proximity to Rock Creek. The town's population grew steadily from 200 in 1800 to over 61,000 residents as of the 2010 census, a testament to its ever-expanding culture and reputation. Rockville served as Montgomery County's seat and was gradually known as Montgomery Court House. In 1860, the town became incorporated, governed by three commissioners until 1888 when it elected its first Mayor and Council.


Rockville's growth and prosperity was buoyed by the opening of the Rockville depot on the Metropolitan Branch of the B&O Railroad in 1873, which brought the town into closer contact with the capital city. Although its growth was initially slow, the population skyrocketed from 6,934 in 1950 to almost 45,000 in 1980. Today, it is a bustling cosmopolitan city of many neighborhoods, home to a well-educated population and serving as an employment center for national biomed corporations, the federal government, and county government. Rockville's reputation for excellence and progress continues to soar, making it a top destination for those seeking a dynamic, prosperous, and vibrant community steeped in history and tradition.

Rockville map

Open Houses in Rockville

Here are 12 Open Houses out of 185 listings in Rockville

Featured Rockville Listings

Here are 12 out of 185 listings in Rockville


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Data represents the community area's average over the past 12 months. All information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.

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