Nick Lovett

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Nick Lovett believes that in order to attain a high level of success, whether personally or professionally, it is imperative to apply discipline, dedication and determination to any endeavor. It is with this intent focus and unparalleled enthusiasm that Nick approaches his responsibility in fulfilling his clients' real estate requirements. Coupled with his aesthetic sensibility is a keen awareness of the current real estate market and expert knowledge of various neighborhoods; whether it is City Living or Suburban, Uptown or Downtown, Nick’s access is unlimited.

Previously a member of the #1 Real Estate Team in Oak Park/River Forest, The SWK Group, Nick provides a personal level of service through responsiveness and attention to detail. His top priority is going beyond the expected to deliver an exceptional experience for home buyers and sellers. He will work with you throughout your entire home search or sale process. As a highly trained professional, Nick will work hard to help you find the right home or get you top dollar for your sale. 

Simply, Buy and Love It.

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