Let's Get Better Today

It is our duty to strive to be better tomorrow than we were today.
With so much around us out of control right now, we must continue to control what we
can - Ourselves.

Instead of reacting to what comes at us, now is the time to take actions that propel
us further. The first step is learning more about our craft as we look to be the
trusted advisor to our clients.

Today, I want you to focus on learning more - about the market, the economy, our
tools, and improving your listing presentation.

There are tons of opportunities this week to take a class. Rule number 1: always
have fun, Rule number 2: Learn Something New Everyday.
Let's start today.


An Expert is someone who
knows the worst mistakes that can be made in his subject, and
how to avoid them.

- W E R N E R  H E I S E N BE R G


Actvities to do today:

1. Check in on the Markets
2. Call 5 clients who are
3. Write 3 Personal Notes
Run a Hotsheet for
your top two areas
that you sell and post some data or thoughts